Navigating a new place can be challenging, and we're here to help you succeed. Use this searchable guide of common terms and acronyms to better understand GGC's environment and culture.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is a financial aid form that a student completes to apply for federal and state aid. Deadlines and instructions can be found at the GGC financial aid webpage or .
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This federal law protects students’ educational records and regulates with whom that information is shared. If you wish your parents or other parties to have access to your grades and other educational records, you need to file a FERPA exception with the Registrar’s Office. Additional information can be found at on the or by calling the Registrar’s Office.
First generation. Students who are first in their families to attend a four-year college.
General area of academic study. Focus areas may reflect a single GGC major or may be more general areas that reflect the commonality in a group of majors.