Navigating a new place can be challenging, and we're here to help you succeed. Use this searchable guide of common terms and acronyms to better understand GGC's environment and culture.

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Citation style

Specific rules to credit sources used to avoid plagiarism and make it possible for the reader to locate the sources referenced. The three major ones used at GGC are the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition (APA), MLA Handbook Eighth Edition (MLA), and Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (Chicago). Disciplines may use a style specific to that area.

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Class load

A full-time class load is 12-17 credit hours of academic work per semester. However, to complete the 123 hours of the core curriculum in two years, students must enroll for at least 15 hours of credit per semester. If a student wants to enroll for more than 17 credits, they should contact their mentor to discuss their plans.

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Class Schedule Abbreviations

When registering for classes, please be aware of the codes representing days of the week:

M = Monday
T = Tuesday
W = Wednesday
R = Thursday
F = Friday
S = Saturday.

A class meeting TR 1-1:50 p.m. meets twice a week at 1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A class meeting R 2-4:30 p.m. meets once a week on Thursdays at 2 p.m. Please also note that courses with a G in the section number are online/eCore offerings. Hybrid indicates that the class will meet partly online and partly face-to-face.

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Claw Mail

is the GGC email system. You will be issued a Claw Mail account upon admission to GGC. You can log into Claw Mail with your GGC ID and password. All official communication from the college and your professors will come to this email address. Claw Mail, D2L and MyGGC uses your GGC ID and password. Banner requires your 900 number.

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A co-requisite is a course you must take during the same semester as another course.

Search Terms: C
Credit hours

Credit hours are the number of hours for which a student is given credit for completing a course. To earn one credit hour, a student has to attend a class for one classroom hour (though it’s not always a full 60 minutes) per week for the semester. Most classes are offered in one- to four-hour increments.