Navigating a new place can be challenging, and we're here to help you succeed. Use this searchable guide of common terms and acronyms to better understand GGC's environment and culture.

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Academic dishonesty

Student actions that involve a violation of the GGC honor code around improper sharing or use of class assignments or materials. Actions may include academic misconduct, cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized use or possession of materials or resources, collusion, or misrepresentation of materials or circumstances. Full definitions of these actions and the campus academic integrity policy are available in the Student Handbook (PDF).

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Academic Map

Academic maps suggest a four-year schedule of courses based on degree requirements in the GGC Catalog and serve as a general guideline to help build a full schedule each semester. Pair this planning tool along with helpful advice from your mentor.

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The Academic Enhancement Center. The AEC provides tutoring services, as well as student success workshops. Located in Building W, Room 1160.

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Class modality/delivery method. Students do not meet online at a specific time, but are required to review all course materials and complete all posted assignments according to the course schedule.