Title IX Training and Education
Title IX Team Training and Education
The Title IX regulations require the sharing of all materials used to train Title IX coordinators, investigators, decision-makers and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. Below are the training materials for the GGC Title IX team. Copies of the training materials are also available upon request for inspection by members of the public.
Title IX Coordinator
- January 9 ATIXA | OCR’s 2023 Higher Education Resolution Agreements, Session 2 (PDF)
- March 27 | Thompson & Horton LLP | Title IX Tactical Maneuvers: Building Capacity (PDF)
- March 28 | Bricker Graydon | Title IX In Focus: Trauma-Informed Intake Meetings (PDF)
- April 12 |Bricker Graydon |Athletics Hot Topics Higher Education (PDF)
- April 18 | ATIXA | Time with IX: Understanding the Barriers to Reporting Sexual Assault (PDF)
- April 24 | ATIXA | An Overview Webinar for the 2024 Title IX Regulations – Final Rule (PDF)
- April 25 | Bricker Graydon | Weighing the Evidence in Sexual Violence Cases (PDF)
- May 9 | Dannis Wolver Kelley | Align With Title IX (PDF)
- May 10 | Bricker Graydon| Higher Education: Title IX Litigation Update (PDF)
- May 17 | NACUA | Title IX Evolution – Navigating the Expanded Terrain (PDF)
- May 22 | NACUA | Implementing Workplace Protections for Pregnant or Lactating Personnel (PDF)
- May 29 | ATIXA | Time with IX: Decision Points and ATIXA Model Policies for Higher Education (PDF)
- June 12 | NACUA | Conducting Effective Internal Investigations-Reaching a Conclusion and Credibility Determinations (PDF)
- June 20 | NACUA | Conducting Effective Internal Investigations-Writing the Report and Post-Investigation Considerations (PDF)
- June 21 | Bricker Graydon | 2024 Title IX Policy – Drafting Bootcamp (PDF)
- July 10 | ATIXA | Implementing the 2024 Title IX Regulations for Higher Education (PDF)
- July 15 | ATIIXA | Title IX Coordinator Foundations Sex-Based Harassment for Higher Education 2024 Regulations (PDF)
- August 28 | Thompson and Horton | "Whataya Want From Me: Lessons from Recent OCR Title IX Resolutions" (PDF)
- August 29 | Bricker Graydon | Trauma-Informed Resolution (PDF)
- November 15 | ATIXA | Writing Outcomes Rationales (PDF)
- November 22 | Bricker Graydon | Higher Education: Title VI Litigation and OCR Enforcement Update (PDF)
Title IX Investigator
- June 5 | NACUA | Conducting Effective Internal Investigations (PDF)
- July 10 | ATIXA | Implementing the 2024 Title IX Regulations for Higher Education (PDF)
- July 25 | ATIXA | Time with IX: Navigating the Complexities of Retaliation in Civil Rights Investigations (PDF)
- August 1 | ATIIXA | ing Policy in Investigations and Determinations (PDF)
- August 15 | ATIXA | Time with IX - Political Climate and First Amendment Rights (PDF)
- August 28 | ATIXA | Time with IX: Expanded Scope of Title IX (PDF)
- September 5 | ATIXA | Investigators as Decision-Makers (PDF)
- September 19 | ATIXA | Time with IX – Creating a Purposeful Title IX Website – Best Practices for Compliance (PDF)
- October 22 | Husch Blackwell | Civil Rights Training (PDF)
Legal Affairs
- January 9 ATIXA | OCR’s 2023 Higher Education Resolution Agreements, Session 2 (PDF)
- January 17 | Littler | Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations (PDF)
- February 7 | NACUA | Mega Trends in Higher Education Labor and Employment Law (PDF)
- February 7 | NACUA | Recent Developments in Labor and Employment Litigation and Regulation (PDF)
- February 8 | NACUA | Conducting a High-Profile Workplace Investigation (PDF)
- February 8 | NACUA | When Students Work: The Complex Employment and Labor law Treatment of Student Workers (PDF)
- February 9 | NACUA | General Counsel Navigate the Labor and Employment Maze (PDF)
- February 9 | NACUA | Accommodations: Groff, Mental Health, and Beyond (PDF)
- February 27 Littler | Think Before you Speak! Navigating Employee Leave Scenarios (PDF)
- February 29 Husch Blackwell | Athletics on an Axis: An Overview of Recent and Anticipated Regulatory Changes in the World of College Athletics (PDF)
- March 6 Cohen Seglias |
- March 6 NACUA | Spring Athletics Roundtable (including Title IX) (PDF)
- March 26 Husch Blackwell | Legal Update and Compliance considerations for Accommodations and Accessibility (PDF)
- March 28 Bricker Graydon | Title IX: Trauma-informed Intake Meetings (PDF)
Title IX Coordinator
- January 11 | National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments | Human Trafficking Webinar Series – Part 1: Supportive Students Who Have Experienced Familial Human Trafficking (PDF)
- January 19 | ICS | Higher Ed 2022 Year End Review (PDF)
- January 25 | National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments | Human Trafficking Webinar Series – Part 2: Engaging Families in Preventing and Addressing Human Trafficking (PDF)
- February 8 | Thompson & Horton LLP | Title IX Coordinator Foundations and Practicum (PDF)
- February 9 | Thompson & Horton LLP |
- February 16 | The Drake Group |
- February 21 |
- February 21-22 | ATIXA | Title IX Coordinator and Administrator Foundations (PDF)
- February 27-28 | State University of New York (SUNY) |
- February 27-28 | State University of New York (SUNY) |
- February 27-28 | State University of New York (SUNY) |
- February 28 | Thompson and Horton |
- March 1 | Thompson & Horton LLP | Title IX Investigator Foundations and Practicum (PDF)
- March 2 | Thompson & Horton LLP |
- March 7 | Bricker Eckler It's Game Time: Complying With the NCAA Policy on Campus Sexual Violence
- March 10 | ATIXA | Ten Investigator Pitfalls and Best Practices to Avoid Them (PDF)
- March 15 | Vector Solution | Advancing Faculty and Staff Well-Being: Strategies to Address Burnout in the Workplace (PDF)
- March 21 | Clery Center |
- March 29 | Thompson & Horton LLP | Decision-Making Foundations and Practicum (PDF)
- March 30 | The Drake Group |
- April 3 | Thompson & Horton LLP |
- April 11 | Thompson & Horton LLP | New Legal Protections for Pregnant Students and Employees: Is Your Campus Ready? (PDF)
- April 19 | Thompson & Horton LLP | Title IX Appeals Foundations & Practicum (PDF)
- April 19 | Thompson & Horton LLP | Title IX Informal Resolution Foundations & Practicum (PDF)
- April 21 | ATIXA | Keeping Clery in Mind When Your Focus is on Title IX (PDF)
- April 27 | Thompson & Horton LLP |
- May 3 | ICS | Title IX Considerations with Faith Based Schools (PDF)
- May 3 | College and University Professional Association for Human Resources | The Intersection of the Clery Act (VAWA) and Title IX: Implications for Sexual Misconduct Response and Investigations (PDF)
- May 9 | Title IX Solutions |
- May 10 | Thompson & Horton LLP | Title IX Advisor Training (PDF)
- May 10 | ICS |
- May 11 | Title IX Solutions |
- May 17 | Bricker Graydon | Title IX Litigation Update (Higher Ed) (PDF)
- May 18 | The Drake Group |
- June 1 | Thompson & Horton LLP | Now What? OCR Just Delayed Two Major Title IX Rules... Here's Your Gameplan (PDF)
- June 1 | Vector Solutions | Strategies for Navigating the Current Political Climate and Resistance to DEI (PDF)
- June 20 | Clery Center |
- June 22 | Bricker Graydon | Higher Education CLE Webinar Series: Athletics Compliance Update (PDF)
- June 22 | ATIXA |
- July 28 | ATIXA | Responding to Challenges From Your Community (PDF)
- September 13 | ATIXA |
- November 14 | Bricker Graydon | TIX Litigation Update (PDF)
- November 14, 2023 | NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training Class # 6: Anatomy of an OCR Investigation (PDF)
- November 20, 2023 | NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training Class # 1: Jurisdiction and other Threshold Topics (PDF)
- November 28, 2023 | NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training: Formal Complaints, Investigations & Grievance Procedures
- December 4, 2023 | NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training Class #3, Title IX Policy and Training Obligations (PDF)
- December 7, 2023 | NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training Module 7, Athletics Equity and ing the Regulations (PDF)
- December 13, 2023 | Littler | Pregnancy Accommodations, Navigating Difficult Yet Common Scenarios (PDF)
- December 19, 2023 l ATIXA l OCR’s 2023 Higher Education Resolution Agreements, Session 1(PDF)
Title IX Investigator
- May 5-9 | NACUA |
- May 10 | Thompson & Horton |
- May 11 | Thompson & Horton | (The materials for this training were not provided by the presenter.)
- May 11 | Title IX Solutions |
- May 12 | Title IX Solutions |
- May 12 | Title IX Solutions |
- May 15 | Title IX Solutions |
- May 15 | Title IX Solutions |
- May 15 | Title IX Solutions |
- May 16 | ATIXA |
- May 17 | ATIXA |
- May 18 | University System of Georgia TIX Training |
- May 18 | Dan Schorr, LLC |
- May 18 | Georgia Tech |
- May 19 | Grand River Solutions |
- May 19 | Grand River Solutions |
- May 25-26 |University System of Georgia TIX Training (PDF) | Trauma-Informed Techniques, 2023 Title IX Regulations, Intake, Investigations, Hearing Proceedings, Appeals, Pregnant & Pregnancy Related Conditions, LGTBQIA+, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Sex Characteristics, Title IX & Athletics, Intersections with Clery, Campus Climate Surveys and Awareness & Prevention Programs (PDF)
- June 3 | Husch Blackwell LLP |
- June 9 | ATIXA |
- June 29-30 | ATIXA | Civil Rights Investigator Three: Sexual Violence/Sexual Harassment Case Processing and Resolution
- July 20-21 | ATIXA |
- October 25, 2023 | Nelson Mullins |The Role of Title IX Coordinators and Title IX Investigators (PDF)
- October 25 |ATIXA |Mandated Reporting for Higher Education Institutions (PDF)
- November 14, 2023 | Bricker Grayden | Title IX Litigation Update (PDF)
- November 14, 2023 | NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training Class # 6: Anatomy of an OCR Investigation (PDF)
- November 20, 2023 | NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training Class # 1: Jurisdiction and other Threshold Topics (PDF)
- December 4, 2023 | NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training Class #3, Title IX Policy and Training Obligations (PDF)
Legal Affairs
- January 25 NACUA | Anatomy of an OCR Investigation (PDF)
- January 25 | NACUA | Ethically Navigating Reproductive Rights on Campus (PDF)
- March 7Bricker & EcklerIt’s Game Time: Complying with the NCAA Policy on Campus Sexual Violence (PDF)
- March 8University System of GeorgiaUSG Behavior Intervention Team Training (PDF)
- March 30 | Littler |Pregnancy and Lactation in the Workplace: An Update on Laws Affecting Pregnant Workers (PDF)
- May 25 | Vector Solutions | Engaging in Prevention Best Practices and Achieving Compliance on the Way (PDF)
- May 25-26 |University System of Georgia TIX Training (PDF) Trauma-Informed Techniques, 2023 Title IX Regulations, Intake, Investigations, Hearing Proceedings, Appeals, Pregnant & Pregnancy Related Conditions, LGTBQIA+, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Sex Characteristics, Title IX & Athletics, Intersections with Clery, Campus Climate Surveys and Awareness & Prevention Programs (PDF)
- June 6 | Husch Blackwell | Body Image and Disordered Eating in Higher Ed (PDF)
- June 27 | NACUA |
- June 27 | NACUA |
- June 29 | NACUA |
- June 30 | NACUA |
- June 30 | NACUA |
- October 16 State Bar of Georgia’s School and College Law Section | OCR Presentation on Title IX(The materials for this training were not provided by the presenter.)
- November 14 Bricker Grayden | Title IX Litigation Update (PDF)
- November 14 NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training Class # 6: Anatomy of an OCR Investigation (PDF)
- November 20 NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training Class # 1: Jurisdiction and other Threshold Topics (PDF)
- November 28 NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training: Formal Complaints, Investigations & Grievance Procedures
- November 28 Husch Blackwell | Nondiscrimination Laws and What They Mean for Colleges and Universities
- December 4 NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training Class #3, Title IX Policy and Training Obligations (PDF)
- December 7 NACUA | Title IX Coordinator Training Module 7, Athletics Equity and ing the Regulations (PDF)
- December 13 Littler | Pregnancy Accommodations, Navigating Difficult Yet Common Scenarios (PDF)
- December 19l ATIXA l OCR’s 2023 Higher Education Resolution Agreements, Session 1(PDF)
Title IX Team
- January 24 ATIXA | ADA/504 Coordinator Certification (PDF)
- January 26 ATIXA | Civil Rights Investigator Level Four Certification (PDF)
- January 28 ATIXA | Title IX Coordinator andAdministrator Level Five Certification (PDF)
- March 28-29 University System of Georgia | New USG Investigator Training (PDF)
- April 20 ATIXA | Title IX Coordinator and Administrator Level One Certification (PDF)
- June 9 USG andATIXA | Investigator Level One Training (PDF)
- June 15 ATIXA | Civil Rights Investigator Level One Certification (PDF)
- October 16 ATIXA | Preparing for the 2023 TIX Regulations: Training andCertification Course for Higher Education (PDF)
- October 17 ATIXA | Single-Sex Programs and Disparate Treatment in Title IX (PDF)
- October 17-18 ATIXA | Title IX Hearing Officer andDecision-Maker (PDF)
- October 18 ATIXA | Gender Identity on Campus Workshop (PDF)
Legal Affairs
- February 17 Husch Blackwell | The Law of Religious Liberty and Higher Education (PDF)
- February 28 Hirschfeld Kraemer | Conducting an Effective Internal Investigation (PDF)
- March 22 Husch Blackwell | Legal Considerations for Diversity Hiring Initiatives in Higher Education (PDF)
- June 28 | NACUA | New Revisions to the “Final” Title IX Regulations: Anticipating the NPRM Pendulum Swing (PDF)
- June 28 | NACUA | LGBTQ Rights & Religious Freedom: Common Ground and Common Sense Solutions (PDF)
- June 28 | NACUA | Pay Equity & Negotiation for Womxn, Historically Underrepresented & Allies (PDF)
- June 28 | NACUA | Achieving Inclusivity for Non-Binary, Transgender, and Gender Non-conforming Community Members (PDF)
- June 29 | NACUA | Disability Accommodations for Students and Employees (PDF)
- June 29 | NACUA | Employment Litigation Challenges and Opportunities (PDF)
Legal Affairs
- January 21 Husch Blackwell | 2020 Title IX Regulations; Core Issues and Lessons Learned (PDF)
- April 20
- April 29 Husch Blackwell | Equal Pay Act (PDF)
- June 2 Bricker & Eckler | COVID-19 Lessons Learned – Accommodations for Students and Employees (PDF)
- June 21 | NACUA | Hot Topics in Student Civil Rights Law (PDF)
- June 21 | NACUA | Bias Incidents and Student Codes of Conduct (PDF)
- June 22 | NACUA | Title IX Update: Where Are We Now, What Have We Learned, and Where Are We Going? (PDF)
- June 22 | NACUA | Employment Law Revue Two-O-Two-One (PDF)
- June 22 | NACUA | Post-Pandemic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (PDF)
- June 23 | NACUA | Accommodations; Intersection of COVID-related Disabilities, Anxieties, Race, and Socio-Economic Status (PDF)
- June 24 | NACUA | Diversity in the Face of Adversity: Managing Legal Risks of Affirmative Diversity Efforts (PDF)
- June 24 | NACUA | DO’s, DON’Ts, and Tips for Navigating the World of Title IX Litigation (PDF)
- June 24 | NACUA | Equal Pay Claims: Prevention, Investigation, and Litigation (PDF)
- June 25 | NACUA | Leveling the Playing Field: Sex, Race, LGBTQA+, and Pay Equity (PDF)
- August 24 Husch Blackwell | Investigations Involving Student Athletes: Issues to Consider and Best Practices (PDF)
- October 12 GGC | Excelling Within a Multigenerational Organization, Class 1 (PDF)
- December 10 Husch Blackwell | Labor and Employment in Higher Education Year-in-review 2021 (PDF)
Title IX Team
- Fall 2020 | University System of Georgia |
- Fall 2020 | University System of Georgia |
- Fall 2020 | University System of Georgia |
- Fall 2020 | University System of Georgia |
- Fall 2020 | University System of Georgia |
- Fall 2020 | University System of Georgia |
- Fall 2020 | University System of Georgia |
Legal Affairs
- September 2 Bricker Eckler | What You Missed this Summer: Higher Ed Edition (PDF)