ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø's official colors are also an important part of the GGC brand.
Institutional Colors Usage
The primary colors for the ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø identity are GGC green and gray. GGC silver is used for special ornamental purposes and is not intended for common use.
One-color Application
In applications where only one color is available, use GGC green. When green is not used, accepted alternatives include GGC gray or black.
Two-color or Full-color Application
In applications where two colors are allowed, use GGC green and gray.
Three-color Application
In applications where three colors are allowed, use GGC green, gray and black.
Color Swatches
ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø employs a simple and concise three-color scheme for use throughout the identity system and subsequent communications. Details regarding each of these colors include industry standard specifications (Pantone® and Madeira) are included here.
Primary/Official Institutional Colors
GGC Green
Pantone® PMS: 3425
C: 100% M: 10% Y: 69% K: 44%
Madeira: 1250
HEX: #00704a
GGC Silver
Pantone® PMS: 877
Madeira: 1011
HEX: #a5acb0
GGC Gray
Pantone® PMS: 429
C: 3% M: 0% Y: 0% K: 32%
Madeira: 1011
HEX: #a5acb0
C: 3% M: 0% Y: 0% K: 100%
Madeira: 1000
HEX: #000000