Design Guide
Website content maintained in the central content management system (CMS) inherits the approved GGC website design, including the exterior framework and interior colors, fonts and images. Additionally, all GGC-branded websites should adhere to the following guidelines:
GGC-branded websites should display an approved GGC logo and demonstrate a professional appearance in keeping with the college’s style and brand. Use of GGC logos and trademarked graphics should adhere to the GGC Graphic Standards – Usage and Style Guide and the GGC Athletics – Brand Identity Usage and Style Guide. Other graphics used on the website should be of high quality and professional in appearance. Communications offers graphic services to the GGC community upon request.
Official Institutional Fonts
"Avenir,"Ìý"Open Sans," Arial, sans-serif
Official Institutional Web Colors
Background Colors
HEX: #ffffff
Light gray
HEX: #f4f4f3
Base Colors
Dark gray
HEX: #212326
Dark green/gray
HEX: #0b3325
HEX: #000000
HEX: #ffffff
Body copy
HEX: #6c7079
H1, H3, H5 and caption headline
HEX: #00704a
H2, H4, H6
HEX: #404041
Text link
HEX: #77bc1f
Headline and Body Copy Styles
Page Title (H1)
The H1 heading is built into the page title. There should be only one H1 tag on a page. Content sections with headings should start with the H2 heading style.