Hispanic Achievers Committed to Excellence in Results (HACER) is a living-learning community designed to provide needed support for students on the path to graduation, while living on campus in GGC's suite-style housing.

Benefits of Joining

  • Share classes and experiences with students who have similar interests.
  • Grow with other members of the community, while learning about and celebrating Hispanic/Latinx heritage and culture.
  • Enhance learning with peers, faculty and the diverse GGC and Gwinnett County communities.

Learning Opportunities Beyond HACER

  • Take intermediate Spanish as an elective to improve written and oral Spanish skills.
  • Study abroad opportunity in Latin America as part of the learning community experience.
  • Earn a , which can improve employment opportunities by enhancing expertise in Latin America and Spanish.
  • Participate in GGC's Hispanic Organization for Growth, Advancement and Retention (HOGAR), a special family engagement program.
  • Get involved and learn more about registered student organizations like .