eCore is a USG collaborative program established to make higher education more accessible to Georgia students.

Courses are available in English, mathematics, science, history and the social sciences – taught entirely online – except for the occasional proctored exam.

eCore courses are designed, taught and supported by faculty and staff within the University System of Georgia (USG). Not all core curriculum classes are available via eCore, and you may need to take some core classes in a traditional classroom setting. Work with your academic mentor to determine your major requirements.

Why eCore?

While online courses are a great option for those who want to expedite their graduation of make-up courses, these courses may not be ideal for everyone. Talk with your mentor to discuss if an eCore course might be a good option for you. 

Registering for eCore courses

Fully admitted GGC students may start by completing the . After completing the quiz, you’ll receive an email from the eCore GGC advisor within 24-48 hours with instructions on how to register through Grizzly Den within Banner.

Meet with your mentor and make sure your mentor hold has been removed as well as any holds which prevent registration.

The academic calendar for eCore classes is not the same as regular GGC courses. Find out more by reviewing .

I’ve registered for eCore, now what?

Prepare to succeed with Ìý²¹²Ô»åÌý ranging from writing resources, accessibility and library services.

Learn more Ìý²¹²Ô»åÌý.