* = required field

Student Information

Semester you plan to enter

Hours and GPA

Education History

Failure to list high school and all colleges previously attended (including ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø) may disqualify applicants. If applicants have not yet supplied transcripts to the college as part of the general admissions process, transcripts must be mailed directly to Admissions from the originating institution.

Most recent high school

College 1

College 2

College 3

GGC Honors Program Admission Requirements

Have you ever had any violations of GGC's code of conduct?

One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx.

Students seeking admission to the Honors Program must also submit the following:

  • An essay of 500 words or more adhering to the guidelines and requirements contained within the .
  • A letter of recommendation from a GGC faculty and/or staff member; or, in the case of first-year or transfer students, one from a faculty and/or staff member from the student's previous institution. The letter may be uploaded with this application or emailed (with your name and "Letter of Recommendation" in the subject line) to honorsprogram@ggc.edu.
  • Students seeking admission must also complete an interview with the Honors Program selection committee.

Upload your Honors Program essay here.

One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx.

Upload a letter of recommendation or have the letter emailed (with your name in the subject line) to: @email.

One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx.

AP Course Information

Please list all AP courses and exams that you have taken as well as the scores earned on those exams.

AP Course 1

AP Course 2

AP Course 3

AP Course 4

AP Course 5

Extracurricular activities

Please list those co-curricular/extra-curricular activities and experiences which demonstrate your involvement in leadership, service and creativity:

Extracurricular Activity 1

Extracurricular Activity 2

Extracurricular Activity 3

Extracurricular Activity 4

General Information

Applications will be reviewed when all official documents have been received by the Honors Program office.

I certify that all statements made in this application are complete and true. I also understand that falsification or omission of information requested may result in my immediate dismissal and/or loss of all credits from the college. If my application is accepted and I become a student, I agree to abide by the published regulations of the college and the policies of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.

I agree to the above terms.

For more information, please view the GGC Honors Program website or email @email.

Please press Submit only once. You will see a confirmation message after the form has been successfully submitted. Note that form submissions with file attachments will take longer to submit.

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