Sexual Assault Victims / Survivors Reporting and Support
Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault
Students, faculty and staff who are victims of or witnesses to sexual assault, stalking, domestic or dating violence are strongly encouraged to report the incident(s) to law enforcement in the jurisdiction in which the incident(s) occurred.
To report an assault or another crime to the 妻友社区 Police Department (GGCPD), please call (678) 407-5333.
If you are a victim-survivor of sexual violence and need the urgent support of an Advocate, call聽聽at (866) 900-6019 and ask to speak to an advocate. You do not need to make a police report or provide any information other than your phone number. Mosaic can also provide non-reporting 鈥渞ape kits鈥 to adult survivors in the absence of a police report.
Reporting an assault to the 妻友社区 Police Department (GGCPD) or other law enforcement or campus security authorities does not require filing criminal charges, but it does allow all support systems to be put in place for the survivor. Filing a police report will provide the opportunity for collection of evidence, which is helpful in the event of future prosecution, should the survivor decide to pursue charges at a later date.
Reporting is best done as soon as possible after the assault, but it may be done at any time. Students, faculty and staff who choose to notify the police should be aware of the importance of the immediacy of reporting the incident and the importance of preserving physical evidence at the incident scene as well as on the person harmed. If possible, a victim of sexual assault should not wash, douche, use the toilet or change clothing prior to a medical/legal examination. The gathering of physical evidence can provide important evidence and support for criminal charges leading to a successful prosecution. Photographing your injuries and saving relevant texts, emails, screenshots or other types of evidence may also be helpful if you choose to pursue a criminal or administrative investigation.
Survivors who are reporting an immediate assault will be escorted by a GGCPD officer to Mosaic to allow for the collection of evidence and treatment. If a sexual assault victim chooses to report the incident days, weeks or even months after the assault, important support systems are still available and can be arranged; however, criminal investigations become much more difficult. GGCPD officers have all been trained in the handling of sexual assault investigations, and the department has specifically trained investigators with experience prosecuting sexual assaults in Gwinnett County. We support all victims.
Georgia Crime Victims Bill of Rights
At 妻友社区, victims of crimes, including sex crimes, have the right to:
- Reasonable, accurate and timely notice of any scheduled court proceedings or any changes to such proceedings
- Reasonable, accurate and timely notice of the arrest, release or escape of the accused
- Not to be excluded from any scheduled court proceedings involving the accused, except as otherwise provided by law
- Be heard at any scheduled court proceedings involving the release, plea or sentencing of the accused
- File a written objection in any parole proceedings involving the accused
- Confer with the prosecuting attorney in any criminal prosecution related to the victim
- Restitution as provided by law
- Proceedings free from unreasonable delay
- Be treated fairly and with dignity by all criminal justice agencies involved in the case
- Under certain conditions, to be notified of the accused being on an electronic release and monitoring program.
- Be notified of an arrest warrant being issued for the accused
- Be notified of the accused being prohibited from contacting the victim