Report an emergency.

We utilize a number of key communication methods, applications and services, creating a vital network to effectively deliver critical and urgent communications.

Please take time to review, register and/or download these applications and services to ensure that you receive these important communications first.

Notifications and Alert/Safety Apps

    Alert Notification App

    Rave Alert

    GGC has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety, the leader in mobile safety, to offer an alert notification system, Rave Alert, capable of sending users text, recorded voice and email messages. Any GGC student, staff or faculty member, or campus partner can subscribe to the Rave Alert service.

    Learn more about Rave Alert.

    Siren System

    The emergency notification siren is the fastest way the College has to inform the campus community about an imminent, life-threatening emergency. The siren will only be used for "sheltering-in" situations such as a tornado. It is built to be heard by people who are outside; however, the warning tone may also be heard inside buildings or vehicles. Severe weather shelter information is posted in each building. Take time to familiarize yourself with shelter locations.

    Learn more about the siren system.

    Website Notifications

    Emergency communications alerts and notifications display on the , the student audience home page, and faculty and staff audience home page. Website notifications supplement other, more direct means of communication, such as fire alarms and sirens, public address system messages and Rave Alert messaging. Direct messaging texts and voice messages may be brief, so recipients may be directed to the GGC website for more information. Critical messages are dated and time-stamped to make it easy to see the latest information and follow events as they unfold.

    Social Media Notifications

    GGC uses its Facebook and Twitter pages as an additional outlet for communicating Public Safety alerts with community members. Like the GGC website, these social media posts supplement other, more direct means of communication. Be sure to follow us so you can stay up-to-date.