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To view entries prior to Dec. 13, 2022, please stop by the Public Safety office in Building D during business hours.

Case# Status Date Reported Time Reported Date/Time Occurred Location Description
2500028 Inactive (Suspended) 01-29-2025 11:19 am - Building F, Wellness and Recreation Student reported a theft of jewelry while playing basketball in the F-Building. All leads have been exhausted. This case is now Inactive/Suspended.
2500026 Inactive (Suspended) 01-28-2025 2:43 pm - Building C Graffiti located in the men's bathroom stall in the C-building near the CISCO auditorium. This case is Inactive/Suspended.
2500022 Closed 01-24-2025 5:25 pm - Building E, Student Center Report of a stalking. The complainant/victim made a complaint against a former student. However, refused to press charges. This case has been forwarded to Student Integrity.
2500018 Student Conduct Referral 01-17-2025 3:20 pm - Building 1000, Student Housing Report of a trespassing subject in the 1000 dormitory. Officers responded to the scene. The involved parties were later identified. This case has been forwarded to Student Integrity.
2500016 Inactive (Suspended) 01-16-2025 6:45 pm Building 1000 parking lot Report of a theft of a cell-phone. The cell-phone was later returned. This case is Inactive/Suspended.
2500008 Student Conduct Referral 01-15-2025 5:13 pm Building E, Student Center A report of a confrontation between multiple students. A complaint of threatening behavior. No injuries reported. This has been forwarded to Student Integrity.
2500003 Open 01-06-2025 9:48 am - Building W Student reported the theft of lost or mislaid property. This case is under investigation.
2400522 Inactive (Suspended) 12-19-2024 6:31 am Other GGC Police Department received information from Gwinnett County Police Dispatch regarding a subject they had on a telephone call. The subject claimed to be enroute to two different USG institutions with weapons to conduct a shooting. On-duty officer obtained as much information as possible. Then made appropriate notifications their chain-of-command that led to communication of the threat to each institution. The officer followed up by conducting patrols throughout the GGC campus with the assistance from the Lawrenceville Police Department. No incident occurred on the GGC campus related to this threat.
2400517 Closed 12-07-2024 9:13 am - Building A parking lot Report of a missing person. An investigation was conducted. It appears this subject is not missing. There is no evidence of abduction. It appears this was a planned departure.
2400512 Student Conduct Referral 12-04-2024 9:28 pm Building 1000, Student Housing Officers responded to a physical dispute between two student/residents. The involved parties do not wish to prosecute. This case has been forwarded to Student Integrity.