Readings, Writings and All that Jazz Series seeks presenters

The Readings, Writings and All that Jazz (RWAJ) series seeks presenters for the spring 2025 series. During the four-week event, faculty and staff members present their talents in various areas such as academic papers, personal essays, creative writing, music performance, song, dance and even dramatic presentations. These presentations not only engage students and the whole ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø (GGC) family but also inspire many of our students in their own creative and professional pursuits.
Each week, two faculty or staff members present up to 30 minutes each, including Q&A, in Building C, Cisco Auditorium in front of students, faculty and staff. Light refreshments are served afterward.
We are currently seeking GGC faculty and staff, except student workers, who are interested in presenting on either of the dates below from 3:30-5 p.m.:
- Thursday, April 3
- Thursday, April 10
If you are interested in signing up, or if you have any questions, please contact Dr. Susan Bleyle, associate professor of English, and include the type of presentation you want to offer and your preferred date(s). We also encourage faculty members to bring their classes to attend this series.
Spring 2025 RWAJ Committee:
- Katherine Balsley, associate professor of film
- Dr. Susan Bleyle, associate professor of English and acting RWAJ Committee chair
- Dr. Irina Escalante-Chernova, associate professor of music
- Dr. Niaz Khan, professor of English/communication
- Dr. Edward Simmons, part-time faculty, history