Proposals open for “Gender Studies in the Classroom: Traveling Series”

The Gender Studies Committee is excited to announce the third annual interdisciplinary “Gender Studies in the Classroom: Traveling Series,” which will run during Women’s History Month in March. The Committee invites faculty who plan to teach on the subject of gender in the classroom during the month to participate.
Participation means opening classrooms to a small number of students interested in joining the discussion. All schools and disciplines are welcome to submit a proposal to include the class, date, time, location and a brief description of the gender-related topic by Friday, Feb. 7, though earlier proposals are welcome and will receive early notice regarding program scheduling.
A sample of a proposed topic include:
- Class: Psychology of Gender
- Date: March 29, 6:30-9 p.m.
- Location: Building A, Room 1155
- Topic: Medical Community and Gender: Learn about health issues and diseases that disproportionately affect women and how the medical community has responded through research and treatment options. Intersectionality of race and the LGBTQ community will also be discussed. Class is accessible to all backgrounds but may be of particular interest to those going into a health field.
For synchronous online class sessions, provide your classroom Zoom or Teams link.
Direct proposals or questions to the current coordinator of gender studies, Dr. MaryBeth Chrostowsky, senior lecturer of anthropology. She is also the coordinator of gender studies.