Residency Requirements
United States Citizens
Independent Students
An independent student who has established and maintained a domicile in the State of Georgia for a period of at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term shall be classified as in-state for tuition purposes.
- No student shall gain or acquire in-state classification while attending any postsecondary educational institution in this state without clear evidence of having established domicile in Georgia for purposes other than attending a postsecondary educational institution in this state.
- If an independent student classified as in-state for tuition purposes relocates out of state temporarily but returns to the State of Georgia within twelve (12) months of the relocation, such student shall be entitled to retain his/her in-state tuition classification.
Dependent Students
A dependent student shall be classified as in-state for tuition purposes if such dependent student’s parent has established and maintained domicile in the State of Georgia for at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term and:
- The student has graduated from a Georgia high school; or,
- The parent claimed the student as a dependent on the parent’s most recent federal or state income tax return.
A dependent student shall be classified as in-state for tuition purposes if such student’s United States court-appointed legal guardian has established and maintained domicile in the State of Georgia for at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term, provided that:
- Such appointment was not made to avoid payment of out-of-state tuition; Â and,
- The United States court-appointed legal guardian can provide clear evidence of having established and maintained domicile in the State of Georgia for a period of at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term.
If the parent or United States court-appointed legal guardian of a dependent student currently classified as in-state for tuition purposes establishes domicile outside of the State of Georgia after having established and maintained domicile in the State of Georgia, such student may retain his/her in-state tuition classification so long as such student remains continuously enrolled in a public postsecondary educational institution in this state, regardless of the domicile of such student’s parent or United States court-appointed legal guardian.
A non-citizen student shall not be classified as in-state for tuition purposes unless the student is legally in this state and there is evidence to warrant consideration of in-state classification as determined by the Board of Regents. Lawful permanent residents, refugees, asylees, or other eligible noncitizens as defined by federal Title IV regulations may be extended the same consideration as citizens of the United States in determining whether they qualify for in-state classification. International students who reside in the United States under non-immigrant status conditioned at least in part upon intent not to abandon a foreign domicile shall not be eligible for in-state classification.
Petitions for In-state Residency
Students have until 30 days after the first day of class of the semester they are trying to get in-state tuition to appeal their tuition classification. If approved, the change is not retroactive to prior semesters.
Fall Semester – Aug. 1
Spring Semester – Dec. 1
Summer Semester – May 1
Email @email with questions.