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To view entries prior to Dec. 13, 2022, please stop by the Public Safety office in Building D during business hours.

Case# Status Date Reported Time Reported Date/Time Occurred Location Description
2300478 Closed 10-31-2023 3:03 pm Building L, Kaufman Library Police and Fire units responded to a fire alarm; units gave an all-clear, and no smoke or fire was found.
2300466 Closed 10-27-2023 3:56 pm Building 1000, Student Housing Police and Fire units responded to a fire alarm; no smoke, no fire, and the building was cleared by the fire department.
2300448 Closed 10-19-2023 6:13 am Building L, Kaufman Library Police and fire units responded to a fire alarm, no fire or smoke was located.
2300397 Inactive (Suspended) 09-28-2023 4:25 pm Building 3000, Student Housing Police and fire units responded to a fire and smell of smoke; fire units cleared the building and gave an all-clear. No injuries reported.
2300363 Closed 09-14-2023 9:57 pm Building 2000, Student Housing Police and Fire units responded to a fire alarm, units gave an all clear.
2300166 Closed 04-18-2023 8:25 pm Building W Police responded to a fire alarm; no smoke or fire detected.
2300137 Closed 04-06-2023 9:45 am Building A Police and Fire departments responded to an active fire alarm; no smoke or fire was located, the fire responders gave an all clear.
2200452 Closed 12-22-2022 9:10 pm Building L, Kaufman Library Police and Fire Departments responded; the fire department found no evidence of fire or smoke.