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To view entries prior to Dec. 13, 2022, please stop by the Public Safety office in Building D during business hours.

Case# Status Date Reported Time Reported Date/Time Occurred Location Description
2400251 Closed 08-17-2024 6:53 pm Building 2000, Student Housing Fire alarm activated in the 2000 Dormitory due to the detection of smoke in the air. Upon investigation, it was determined that a tree had been struck by lightning in a neighborhood on the opposite side of Lonnie Harvel Blvd. The smoke came from that fire. GCFD Station 31 responded to the dormitory and the neighborhood fire. Fire alarm was also activated in the 3000 Dormitory. The pull stations in each dormitory were reset after the all clear had been given.
2400241 Closed 08-12-2024 11:37 am Building L, Kaufman Library Fire alarm activated in the Library, 3rd Floor. No smoke or fire detected. Facilities management located the source of the alarm activation, burnt popcorn. All clear was provided.
2400238 Closed 08-10-2024 4:44 pm Building G, Grizzly Athletics Complex Fire alarm activated in the G Building. The building was evacuated. GCFD Station 31 arrived on scene, determined the source of the alarm, and cleared the building to be re-entered. This case is closed.
2400226 Closed 07-26-2024 8:04 am Parking Deck Fire alarm activate in the Parking Deck. GCFD Station 31 responded to the scene. They advised it was a false alarm, and sounded all clear.
2400169 Closed 04-19-2024 10:48 am Building 1000, Student Housing Police and Fire units responded to a fire alarm in a residence suite, resulting in a smoke detector issue.
2400156 Open 04-09-2024 11:13 pm Building 1000, Student Housing Officers responded to a fire alarm in the 1000 Building. FD responded to the scene. No signs of smoke or fire detected. Scene cleared at 0353 hours.
2400038 Closed 01-29-2024 11:12 pm Building 1000, Student Housing Police and fire units responded to a fire alarm; the fire department gave an all-clear.
2400037 Closed 01-29-2024 6:24 pm Building 1000, Student Housing Police and fire units responded to a fire alarm; the fire department gave an all-clear.
2300490 Closed 11-08-2023 12:30 am Building 2000, Student Housing Police and Fire units responded to the fire alarm, the building was evacuated; the fire department gave an all-clear.
2300487 Closed 11-07-2023 2:47 pm Building E, Student Center Police and Fire units responded to a fire alarm; the building was cleared, and no smoke or fire was located.