Policies and procedures are designed to ensure the safety of all GGC students, faculty, staff and visitors. They provide the framework for recording, reporting and responding to incidents and emergencies on campus. Please read them carefully.

Public Safety Standard Operating Procedures

Copies of Public Safety Standard Operating Procedures are available upon request.

Obtaining Reports

Copies of reports taken by Public Safety are available from the office usually within three (3) business days of the date the report was taken. Copies of reports may be picked up in person, mailed or faxed. At this time, reports are not available through e-mail. Report fees are $.10 per page for reports picked up in person, or $1 per page for mailed or faxed reports. Report fees must be paid prior to the information being mailed or faxed. Reports to victims are free of charge.

Missing Persons

Reports regarding any student attending school or living in on-campus housing (including all housing managed by ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø) who is missing must be referred immediately to Public Safety at phone number 678.407.5333. Students living in on-campus housing are required to identify a contact person or persons whom the college will attempt to notify after the student is determined by Public Safety to be missing. Students must list these individuals as their emergency contact persons. All student contact information registered with the college is held confidentially by the college. In addition to any additional contact person designated by the student, if the student is under 18 years of age and not emancipated, the college will attempt to notify a custodial parent or guardian not more than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing by Public Safety. Public Safety will initiate emergency contact procedures once a student, for whom a missing persons report has been filed, has been missing for 24 hours.

Mutual Aid

ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø is committed to providing an environment as free from crime and disorder as possible. When a violation of state law or city ordinances is committed, the college reserves the right to arrest and prosecute the person or persons responsible.

All criminal cases, which occur on campus, are investigated by the Campus Police. Those cases, which result in arrest, are prosecuted in either the State or Superior Court of Gwinnett County. Persons arrested by the Campus Police are transported by the Department to the Gwinnett County Jail where they are processed and lodged. Most violations of the motor vehicle code are prosecuted in the Lawrenceville City Court.

It should be noted that the City Police, County Sheriff's Department, County Police Department, and the Georgia State Patrol have jurisdiction on the campus. Though the Campus Police is the primary law enforcement agency for the College, these other agencies can and do operate on campus on occasion.  In accordance with state law  the College has entered into mutual aid agreements with the City of Lawrenceville and Gwinnett County which, under specified conditions, allow Campus police officers to operate off campus while still maintaining their police authority.

All arrests are to be made in accordance with applicable state and federal laws, and affected in a fair and impartial manner. A person’s status or relationship to the college has no bearing on the decision whether or not to initiate an arrest. The decision to arrest is based on the evidence showing a violation of the law has occurred, and College policies governing officer discretion. The college has implemented policies with "zero tolerance" for certain violations, specifically those dealing with drugs, alcohol, and weapons. When a person is found in violation of any of these laws, the officer is required to arrest that person with very limited exceptions.

Once a person is arrested, and that person is a student, the case will be referred to the Student Judiciary for review. The campus proceedings are independent of the state proceedings and an acquittal on the state level does not automatically result in an acquittal in the campus review. Faculty and staff also face disciplinary action, which can result in punishment up to, and including termination.

It is the policy of the college not to interfere nor attempt to influence the court proceedings in favor of or against an individual. The college does not provide bail or legal counsel for any member of the college community who may be arrested by Campus Police or other law enforcement agencies.