GGC Wellness and Recreation offers an indoor basketball court at the Wellness and Recreation Center and an outdoor basketball court next to the intramural fields. Both basketball courts are NCAA regulation dimensions.

Please note, schedules are subject to change, depending on the need for academic PHED classes, intramural and club sports, rentals, and inclement weather.

Indoor Court – Wellness and Recreation Center

Availability of the indoor court varies throughout the semester. An up-to-date schedule may be viewed at the WRC front desk.

Outdoor Court – Intramural Fields

Monday – Friday

12 p.m. – 8 p.m. 

Saturday and Sunday

12 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Campus Closings

Monday, May 26: Closed for Memorial Day
Thursday, June 19: Closed for Juneteenth
Friday, July 4: Closed for Independence Day
Monday, Sept. 1: Closed for Labor Day