GGC Purchasing's primary focus is to obtain the right product, at the right price, at the right time and to best meet the needs of the students, faculty and staff of .
By order of the Board of Regents, all units of the University System of Georgia must comply with the rules and regulations of the State Purchasing Division of the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS). These rules and regulations have been developed to promote equal access and competition among vendors to ensure that best value, high-quality goods and services are available to state and local governments.
Bids/RFPsSurplus EquipmentForms, Polices and Resources
All purchasing activities conducted on behalf of GGC, whether performed by Purchasing or other college employees, must be in compliance with the following ethical standards.
- Avoid the intent and appearance of unethical or compromising practice in relationships, actions and communications.
- Foster fair, ethical and legal business practices.
- Demonstrate loyalty to GGC by diligently following the purchasing guidelines established by the Georgia Department of Administrative Services and the University System Board of Regents.
- Refrain from any private business or professional activity that would create a conflict between personal interests and the interests of GGC.
- Refrain from soliciting or accepting money, loans, credits or prejudicial discounts, and the acceptance of gifts, entertainment, favors or services from present or potential suppliers, which might influence or appear to influence procurement decisions.
- Handle confidential or proprietary information from GGC and/or suppliers with due care and proper consideration of ethical and legal ramifications and governmental regulations.
- Promote positive supplier relationships through courtesy and impartiality.
- Grant all competitive suppliers fair and equal consideration.
- Conduct business with potential and current suppliers in an atmosphere of good faith.
- Refrain from reciprocal agreements, which restrain competition.
Bids and Requests for Proposals
RFQ/RFP’s greater than $25,000 will be publicly advertised on the .
One time quotes for less than $25,000 do not require competitive solicitation, although it is highly encouraged to ensure the best value.
GGC’s RFQ/RFP opportunities are available through the . You do not have to be registered as a supplier to view current solicitations.
In order to submit a response to an online solicitation, suppliers must be registered with the Georgia Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) prior to the open date of the solicitation. Supplier registration is available from .
Some RFQ/RFP opportunities are mandated to be “hard-bid delivery method” and are not eligible for online bidding. Please review each solicitation to make sure you are following the submission/delivery requirements.
procurement is governed by the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) Section 50-5-50 et seq. “The State Purchasing Act establishes DOAS as the unit of state government charged with the responsibility for the establishment of contracts, leases, purchase orders or other agreements for the procurement of supplies, materials, equipment, services, and construction, and for overseeing statewide contracts…” Please visit the for additional information.
Procurement of public works construction contracts are exempt from DOAS purchasing guidelines and governed by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents.
Surplus Equipment
Surplus property the College no longer needs is redistributed via a tiered process. Surplus property is first made available to other state offices, local governments and some nonprofit groups. Any items unclaimed by these entities are then made available to the public through internet sales, primarily through internet auction providers. Surplus property is listed at each of the sites below. To place bids at any of these auction sites, you must first set up a user account for the site you are attempting to use.
Note: All property is used and is listed for sale in as-is, where-is condition. Bidders are strongly encouraged to inspect the property prior to placing a bid.
Please read all of the terms and conditions before bidding on any property.