International Learning
Campus-wide Opportunities
Each fall and spring semester, GGC dedicates a week to an array of campus-wide events to celebrate and promote intercultural learning.
- Discover international music, poetry and film.
- Test your global knowledge in daily quizzes.
- Learn or practice a foreign language and exchange cultural information at student-led world language tables.
- Hear past study abroad adventures and learn about current educational opportunities that prepare Grizzlies to thrive in a global environment.Â
- Learn from GGC’s diverse faculty voices as they share their research and experiences about political issues around the globe.
International Education Week (November)
International Education Week (IEW) recognizes the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education prepares students for a global environment and attracts future leaders from abroad to learn and share their experiences.
Global Awareness Week (April)
Global Awareness Week (GAW) celebrates diversity through a week-long exchange of perspectives and cultural and linguistic experiences. The entire campus community is invited to participate in the diverse activities.
Explore More International Learning
GGC offers a host of international learning opportunities that build intercultural competence and skills and help students to develop a multicultural and global mindset through the following: