Security has the right to inspect any item at any time.
Doors open 1.5 hours before each ceremony.
All attendees will pass through metal detectors.
Approved Items
Clear plastic, vinyl or PVD bags (maximum 12-inches wide by 12-inches tall by 6-inches deep)
Small clutch bags (maximum 6.5-inches by 4.5-inches)
Diaper bags
Medically necessary items
Prohibited Items
Prohibited items must be returned to the patron’s car or disposed of before entering the venue. The items will not be accepted by employees, and there will be no place offered to store any item. GGC Operations reserves the right to make exceptions.
Aerosol/pressurized cans including Mace or pepper spray
Alcoholic beverages
Animals (except service animals)
Artificial noisemakers: airhorns, whistles, musical instruments, etc.
Banners, posters, signs, flags larger than 3-feet by 2-feet
Backpacks, bags, briefcases, purses
Bicycles, skates, skateboards, hoverboards, scooters, etc.
Outside food and beverages
Crowd surfing
Unauthorized filming including cameras with detachable lenses
Flyers, handouts, advertisements
Glassware of any kind
Glitter and paint
Illegal substances, drugs, chemicals of any kind
Laser pointers
Open flames, lighters, etc.
Poles or staffs of any kind (metal, plastic, wooden)
Seat cushions with backs
Selfie sticks
Weapons of any kind: guns, knives, explosive devices, smoke devices, etc.
Use of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, vapes, JUULS, dip, chew, etc.
10 a.m. Ceremony Parking
GGC Parking Deck
Building A parking
2 p.m. Ceremony Parking
“L” Lot
“A” Lot
Guest Drop-off and ADA Parking
Drop-off and pickup will be available at the Building H parking lot entrance on University Center Lane.
ADA parking is located in the “B” Parking Lot on Lonnie Harvel Boulevard and in the “H” Parking Lot on University Center Lane.