top claw award logo

Thank you for being a part of the Top Claw program and supporting our culture of continual commitment to recognizing, promoting and rewarding faculty and staff success.

Please review the Top Claw Award program and selection criteria before completing and submitting the nomination form below.

Nominee's Information

Nominator's Information

Recognition Nomination

In writing your narrative, answer the following questions:

  • How does the nominee meet the demand of his/her job description?
  • How does the nominee go out of his/her way to assist their discipline/unit?
  • Explain how the nominee goes above the demands of his/her job to work with and/or assist students, colleagues, or the university.
  • Can you describe how the nominee shows collegial excellence?
  • In what ways does the nominee show support to others in his/her discipline/unit?
  • Explain how the nominee is active within his/her discipline/unit.

1-2 paragraphs

Please press Submit only once. You will be shown a confirmation message after the form has been successfully submitted.

Tips for Writing a Great Recognition Nomination

  • Tell a story – take time to explain the full context behind your nominee's actions and what they mean to you or the College.
  • What was the situation?
  • What did they do and what set them apart?
  • What impact did their actions have?
  • Highlight if their results or actions relate to the GGC's Values.
  • Say "thank you!"